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How to Get a Baby to Sleep in a Crib

How to Get a Baby to Sleep in a Crib

Here are some tips for how to get a baby to sleep in a crib and ensure safe, sound sleep.

Medically reviewed by a board certified pediatrician

When it comes to helping your baby sleep in a crib, there are five steps you can take so they sleep safely. Safe sleep helps protect your baby from sudden infant death syndrome (also called SIDS) and other dangers, like choking and suffocation.

  1. Lay baby in the crib

    Put your baby to sleep in a crib or a bassinet, not a car seat or your bed where they potentially might fall or get tangled up in the seatbelt.
  2. Place your baby on their back

    Place your baby on their back when you lay them down to sleep in the crib.
  3. Use a firm mattress

    A firm mattress with a fitted sheet is all your infant needs to be safe and comfortable. Cushiony sofas, recliners or other soft surfaces can do more harm than good.
  4. Swaddle your baby

    You can swaddle your baby for the first two months. However loose blankets, pillows, cute bumpers, stuffed toys or bottles shouldn’t be left in the crib. Special wedges or positioners are also a no-no. A pacifier is fine as long as it has no chords or clips.
  5. Use a sleep sack

    Worried they might be cold? You can dress your baby in a specially designed sleep sack. Once your little one can roll over, it's OK to let them sleep like that. Be sure to lay your baby on their back every time you put them down. Follow this rule until they reach 1 year.

These five tips on how to get a baby to sleep in a crib are the best way to bring peace of mind for you, along with a safe night's sleep for your baby.

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